When I received an e-mail asking me to write about my yoga teacher training experience, I immediately had a vivid memory of the first session of my training. We were asked a similar question that evening, twenty-odd strangers sittings in a candlelit circle. "Why did you choose to do this?"
That night, I dutifully fell to my task earnestly and honestly. And then we were asked to share. Share! With a group of strangers! I was not ready to expose myself to these people. As the first person in the circle began to read from their journal, I frantically composed sentences in my head to say aloud instead of what I had written.
I want to teach because I want to learn! Or
I want to spread the joy of my practice to the world with a pageant smile. Content with that lie, I relaxed and anticipated my turn.
It would be a narrative device to say that I was the very last person to share and by the time it was my turn, my heart grew three sizes and I spilled my guts and that is what my teacher training means to me, blah blah blah. As it was, I was somewhere in the middle of the circle, and I was no yogi grinch, but listening to the others share openly did touch me a little. Not enough to reveal everything, but enough that when it was my turn, my voice wavered as I spoke these words of truth, "Because I need this."